Alice is a proud mother... and a very good one, too... through the years, we had produced three bright and vibrant kids - all are currently in the honours list. I have seen how Alice nurtured and protected them... and developed them to be very good children and students... I remember the days when I wake up at night and she's still up doing reviewers in school for the kids... I also remember her enthusiasm and commitment to bring the kids outside: walking and playing in the malls, eating in restaurants, visiting parks, during weekends and whenever we have some free time from work... she loves our children very much, but she also makes it sure that they will grow up respectful and disciplined... I don't think there could ever be a better "Mommy" than her.
Alice is the perfect working Mom... notwithstanding her job as a wife and mother, Alice had been a dedicated teacher and an IT professional all these years... she is also a continuous learner, taking masters degrees in IT and e-Learning and is planning to pursue a doctorate degree... Alice is so committed with her craft that sometimes, she stays up very late just to make sure everything will be perfect - her lessons, her course materials, everything. And I admire her for that... there are only a handful of people that can combine perfectly being a mother and being a working woman and Alice is one of them... I have seen her do it when we are still in the Philippines caring for our kids (the situation now is different)... and I am sure she can easily do it when that time comes again...
Alice is a friend... I always think of the reason why our relationship and our family had been this great through these years... and I found out it is because of her - she had been our mediator, our guide, our tutor... she had been the one that bridges the gap when our kids have their differences and also when I quarrel with them (sometimes) ... she had been the 'glue' that is making our family stick throughout this journey... and she is doing it by being a friend to all of us, by always communicating with us and making sure the family members understand each other... Alice is our best friend...
I would say that my (and my kids') journey with this great, beautiful person had just started... and we're very thankful that she's with us in a greater journey called life... there will be more interesting scenarios that will come ahead of us... there might probably be one or two hitches and bumps along the road... but for sure, my kids and I are assured of memorable experiences and the best days of our family life with her...
Happy Birthday!
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