When you had just spent precious vacation time with your family, it becomes really very hard to go back to a place very far away from them again, and continue doing your job...
Well, I guess that's a dilemma that is not exclusive for me and Alice, but happens to each and every ofw there is in all parts of the globe. We know that after sometime, we have to go back to our respective jobs sooner or later, but the hangover that is the product of spending qaulity time with your kids just won't go away. Sometime we really had to kick ourselves literally to get out of that sentimental stupor that we are currently in to keep ourselves from moving... and going back to our respective jobs.
Anyhow, I would say that the last several weeks had been a blast for me...especially the two weeks or so I spent with my kids frolicking in Singapore. It heartens me that even for that short span of time, I've given them laughter and joy by allowing them to discover new things from places in another country. Like a typical dad, I would say that my kids are the brightest... notwithstanding their respective honours from their levels, they are keen obervers of new things from the new environment they are in, and they are just willing to discover and explore this alien place that they were in for about two weeks...It was an enjoyable experience for them... it was an equally enjoyable experience for me and Alice...
Then, suddenly the time is up. We have to go back to our jobs once again. And once again, we part ways with the kids... that's the reality of our lives today, and for this we have to drag ourselves for sometime just to keep pace with this reality. What is it that motivates us each time we encounter this?
The thought that the next vacation that we'll spend with our precious ones will be better. For now, we continue hoping and dreaming...