Just so there's something to see in my 50th blog, I included in here a picture of me and Alice at the top of a castle during our recent trip. What can I say (again), the feeling's kinda at the top right now...and it's a good one! Hope it'll last...
snippets of me as a teacher and an engineer... more valuably, as a husband and a father... and a vibrant individual of a constantly changing world... hope you'll get something from my experiences and my life...
Thursday, October 18
The 50th Post....
Well, what can I say? After ten months and a handful of topics, I am now in my 50th post in this blog... time sure flies real fast, and when you're blogging, it flies even faster... but then, the skies become much more colorful doing it anyways, so I guess the fun continues...
Just so there's something to see in my 50th blog, I included in here a picture of me and Alice at the top of a castle during our recent trip. What can I say (again), the feeling's kinda at the top right now...and it's a good one! Hope it'll last...
Just so there's something to see in my 50th blog, I included in here a picture of me and Alice at the top of a castle during our recent trip. What can I say (again), the feeling's kinda at the top right now...and it's a good one! Hope it'll last...
On Blogging