Friday, October 12

Going on a Trip...

Alice and I both got week-long rests starting tomorrow... that's definitely good news! Well, for one, we'll be able to finally push through with our long-delayed plan of having the one-day tour of the areas near our place. You know, when you've just transferred to a new place of work, there's just so much to see and explore, and for quite a while already we've been wanting to do that. However, the last few weeks had been overwhelming for both our jobs and we couldn't just find the time for it. Now, due to this recent 'development', we'll finally make it happen...and it's fun! We actually talked to some friends already regarding this, you know, asking them to come with us and make the day more enjoyable (and less costly)... as the old adage goes, "the more, the merrier...".

A highlight of the trip is going to the fish market. Locals say that there is an area that is nearby our place that is very famous for fish. I don't know yet the exact name for it, but it will definitely be mentioned in the coming blogs :) They say that fish there are not only fresh and in abundance (meaning, there's just too many variety of them there), but also very very cheap. This sort of thing reminds me of the Sydney Fish Market where you can find just too many different species, choose what you like, and have it cooked while you watch the sun set while passing time at the marina... or it could be the Marina Bay in Singapore, where after paying 12 dollars you could practically eat all the seafoods you want (as long as you could take it). Well, if it's any of these two, that's definitely fine for me... but who knows, maybe this one has qualities that will make it unique in itself...

Then, there's an old castle just 20 minutes drive from our flat that I really would like to visit. I read about it in a book many weeks ago and I couldn't wait to check it after. This castle is one of the oldest in the region, and is an important component of the history of this place. Unfortunately, unlike the other younger 'forts', it was not properly maintained, and right now is undergoing a vigorous renovation. I always feel that by visiting places like this, you get to know more about the new place... you get to understand more about the country where you're living in for the moment... and I always wanted that, to understand the country and its people... I guess that's the only way we could be truly 'global' individuals...

And there's more... having been raised in a country full of beaches, I'd always liked the beach. And every chance of getting to one and touching the water and feeling it roll on my feet is always a welcome moment... and when there's fish, there's water... and of course beaches. Well, swimming, probably, is out of the picture right now, but we'll see :)

For Alice's part, well, she's a typical woman... she's looking forward to visit one of the biggest malls there is in this country, and it's there in the place we'll be visiting soon... she'd heard from a friend that there's a nice coffee shop there, offering varied 'specials', and if it's about coffee - everything about it - Alice will be there.

There will probably be other places to be visited during the trip, we don't know for sure right now. And that's the good thing about it... there's nothing better to look forward to than embarking on an adventure :)