Sunday, December 9


The season is really changing already. Cold mornings are here once again, and the cool air permeates longer even until before noon. It's good to know that winter has arrived once more...

There's just one problem when the winter season comes, and for that matter, the climate starts to change along with it... people get sick. I personally experienced it the past week. Maybe it was the cold nights or the prolong cold mornings, but either way, I got hit by a flu. I even experienced some chills during the first day I got it. And so, I was not feeling well for maybe, four days... with aching muscles and headache, combined with on-off fever. I finally decided to visit the clinic on the second day. The nurse said I had an inflammation of my tonsils, which indicate something of an infection is there. Anyways, after taking some anti-biotics and vitamin C tablets, I finally felt good in the fourth day. Everything's well again :)

After my encounter with flu, I decided winter - and the cold weather - is really finally here, and so I started wearing light sweaters during nighttime. I also started to put away my sleeveless shirts, I won't use them for quite sometime.

Alice is happy... I won't be using the airconditioner anymore at night :)